Thursday, October 8, 2009

You had a bad...Fantasy Football Day?

Truly I say, what's the big idea?

It drives me crazy to watch perfectly normal, sane men (and women too!) lose their heads, their wallets, and mostly their dignity over Fantasy Football. I understand this is a hobby. I even understand feeling a little down if your team doesn't win. But really, it's just a game. I know, I know...I'm a hypocrite. There's definitely got to be something in my life that I feel so passionate about I'm willing to fight with my friends, lose sleep, and shed a few hundred dollars over.

Of course! The difference is, I don't take situations that are unrealistic to the extreme.
A select group of non-book lovin' friends is thinking about the all night launch party I attended, nine months pregnant, with the sole purpose being to get my hands on the last book in the Harry Potter series, but I digress.
Really I just want grown-ups to act like grown-ups. Toss in a few bucks and fill out a bracket, chat around the water cooler on Monday about your status in the "league," even pick a weekend to spend all of Saturday night eating nachos and "drafting" your team. This is all in good fun.

What I would prefer not to see are middle-aged men throwing shoes at their TVs, a twenty-five year old rear-ending a new Beamer as he furiously texts his "spreads" to a friend, or husband of a toddler and hugely pregnant wife (normally an upstanding guy) forcing his family to eat dinner around the TV for an entire season while he screams obscenities at the Redskins Coach.

I am left constantly wondering, is it acceptable for perfectly normal Americans to become Fantasy Football monsters from September through January?

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Cookie Monster sings, "A Cookie is a Sometimes Food"

Sesame Street lovers beware!

In an effort to promote healthy eating and lessen the drastic numbers of obese children in the U.S., Sesame Workshop Executives have decided that Cooke Monster, lover of cookies, should go on a diet.

I guess this is better than the original plan which was to remove Cookie from the show completely. Now, instead of singing "C is for Cookie, that's good enough for me" he will be forced to sing "A Cookies is a Sometimes Food."

My opinion?
I have a two-year old and he is a devoted Sesame disciple. By 16 months old he was counting to twenty, both forwards and backwards, and could recognize animals like the Ardvark. Is he smart? Sure. Is this completely my doing? No way! I couldn't spend every hour of every day teaching him a new fact (although I'd like to!) so for the times when grading EN101 essays must take precedence, I depend on good ol' Sesame Street to get us through an hour or two. And he's better off for it.

I think let Cookie Monster eat cookies! All day, every day if he so chooses. The responsibility of whether or not Max eats cookies all day, every day lies solely with my husband and I. Max is two and knows that cookies and ice cream are for "treats." He giggles when Cookie Monster stuffs his face silly and really howls as the cookie crumbs fly from his mouth. This, in my opinion, is harmless. We'll be the ones to decide when and how often our son eats cookies. And let's be honest, Cookie Monster or not, obesity is still going to be a huge problem until we teach the American culture to eat ALL FOODS in moderation.

My question
Should Cookie Monster go on a diet? Why?