Thursday, October 8, 2009

You had a bad...Fantasy Football Day?

Truly I say, what's the big idea?

It drives me crazy to watch perfectly normal, sane men (and women too!) lose their heads, their wallets, and mostly their dignity over Fantasy Football. I understand this is a hobby. I even understand feeling a little down if your team doesn't win. But really, it's just a game. I know, I know...I'm a hypocrite. There's definitely got to be something in my life that I feel so passionate about I'm willing to fight with my friends, lose sleep, and shed a few hundred dollars over.

Of course! The difference is, I don't take situations that are unrealistic to the extreme.
A select group of non-book lovin' friends is thinking about the all night launch party I attended, nine months pregnant, with the sole purpose being to get my hands on the last book in the Harry Potter series, but I digress.
Really I just want grown-ups to act like grown-ups. Toss in a few bucks and fill out a bracket, chat around the water cooler on Monday about your status in the "league," even pick a weekend to spend all of Saturday night eating nachos and "drafting" your team. This is all in good fun.

What I would prefer not to see are middle-aged men throwing shoes at their TVs, a twenty-five year old rear-ending a new Beamer as he furiously texts his "spreads" to a friend, or husband of a toddler and hugely pregnant wife (normally an upstanding guy) forcing his family to eat dinner around the TV for an entire season while he screams obscenities at the Redskins Coach.

I am left constantly wondering, is it acceptable for perfectly normal Americans to become Fantasy Football monsters from September through January?


  1. i love the part of the guy crying with the pillow. i find it funny because i know someone that does that. great topic

  2. Haha I don't think that they should overreact that severely over a game. I get pretty upset when my team loses, but I don't complain. You win some and you lose some.
